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工发的组织总干事李勇在揭幕致词中说道:“工发的组织在泰国的核心任务未曾如此最重要过。工发的组织反对的多元文化和可持续的工业发展对未来至关重要,工发的组织强化与泰国伙伴关系的允诺充份创建在信任的基础上。工发的组织总干事李勇亚太经社会负责任人Honjgoo Hahm特别强调了循环经济在推展亚洲及太平洋可持续发展目标方面的重要性,可持续发展目标在经济和社会方面获得了明显进展,但在构建环境目标方面展现出不欠佳。

Hahm说道:“我们要采取措施,联合应付这些环境挑战。我们必需处置好食物、水和能量的关系。其解决方案是区域合作和循环经济,这必须在我们经济快速增长模式的下一阶段去推展。”泰国工业部部长Uttama Savanayana特别强调泰国将可持续发展放在首位。

他说道,政府早已特别强调了将这些原则付诸实践的重要性,并特别强调了目前正在展开的几个最重要绿色工业项目和计划,还包括绿色矿业、生产性生态设计和生态标准。工发的组织总干事李勇(左)和泰国工业部部长Uttama Savanayana(右)本周有多达400名与会者挤满曼谷,还包括高级政府官员、私营部门代表、行业协会、学者及民间团体。他们探究了绿色工业概念如何协助各国在2030年可持续发展议程的框架内构建多重发展目标。


会议的目的是在发展中和转型经济产业中实行绿色工业政策、方法和技术并将其划入主流。同时举行的展出是今年大会的主要特色之一,它为大型和中小企业及学术机构获取机会,展出他们在多元文化和可持续工业化各方面的科学知识、创意与变革。BANGKOK, 3 October2018 -The Fifth Green Industry Conference opened in Bangkok today, with a strong focus on the opportunities green growth could yield for businesses and emerging economies.Organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), together with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and the support of Thailand’s Ministry of Industry, the three-day Conference will explore how the green industry can create jobs and economic opportunities to diversify the economy, while decreasing resource dependency and pollution.In his opening remarks, UNIDO Director General LI Yong said: The core mission of UNIDO in Thailand has never been more relevant. UNIDO’s systems and approaches in support of inclusive and sustainable industrial development are fit for the future, and the growing commitment to expand UNIDO’s partnership with Thailand speaks for the trust placed in the Organization.Officer in Charge of ESCAP Honjgoo Hahm underlined the importance of the circular economy in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Asia and the Pacific, where SDG indicators show remarkable progress on the economic and social fronts, but poor performance towards achieving the environmental targets.“We must work together to address these environmental challenges, to meet mitigation measures, and to do better for life on earth, life below water, and for our future,” said Hahm. “Asia will still grow. We will still achieve our social objectives. But the food, water, energy nexus is not a convenient choice, it is an absolute necessity. The solution is regional cooperation, and pursuing a circular economy that must be driven in the next stage of our economic growth paradigm.”Uttama Savanayana Minister of Industry, Thailand emphasized that Thailand has attached the highest priority to sustainable development. He said the government has stressed the importance of putting these principles into practice and highlighted several key green industry projects and programs currently underway, including green mining, productive eco-designs and eco-standards.Over 400 participants will gather in Bangkok this week, including high-level government officials, representatives of the private sector, industry associations, academia and civil society to discuss how the concept of green industry helps countries achieve multiple development objectives in the context of the 2030 Agenda. Speakers from around the world will participate in sessions on the themes: green industrial policy, resource management and the circular economy, greening businesses and supply chains, clean technologies and innovative business models, and building green industry infrastructures of the future.Held first in 2009, the Green Industry Conference is the premier global conference on green industry trends and practices organized every two years by UNIDO and partner organizations. Previous conferences were held in Ulsan, Republic of Korea (2016); Guangzhou, China (2013); Tokyo, Japan (2011); and Manila, Philippines (2009). The aim of the Conference is to scale-up and mainstream green industry policies, methods, and techniques throughout developing and transition-economy industries.One of the key Conference features this year is an exhibition, which will run in parallel with the Conference, and will provide an opportunity for corporations, small and medium enterprises and academic institutions to showcase their knowledge, innovations and progress on various aspects of inclusive and sustainable industrialization.。



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